Sunday, December 30, 2007

Da Da Da Dad at 7 months

Tony told me that Ella had said her first word, I asked what it was, and of course was hoping it was "mama" but when Tony told me it was "dad" I was in disbelief. He knows me so well, he knew he had to get it on video. Here it is, enjoy.

DECEMBER 30, 2007

Me holding Cruz all by myself!
Josh and Kelly brought over baby Cruz over for a playdate! I was very excited to hold him that is all I could talk about before they arrived

DECEMBER 30,2007

Here kitty kitty

DECEMBER 30, 2007

Whenever we get home the first thing Ella does is looks for her kitty. The first place she looks when Tabby isn't waiting for her by the door is through her kitty door.