Friday, March 28, 2008

Playdate with Baby Sydney

Today Andy and Sommer brought over their new daughter, Baby Sydney to play with me. I really thought she was fun and cute until she began to cry then I gave her back to her mommy and daddy.

I was so excited to see her, I just wanted to pinch her little cheeks (like mommy does to me), but mommy made sure that I be gentle.
Posing for a picture with Baby Sydney. Baby Sid was not very happy about me holding her so once daddy took this picture I didn't really want much to do with her.
Baby Sydney, what a cutie!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Odd Combinations

Recently I have been exploring different fashion styles. Mom would say it is a style of my own.
In this picture I have decided that a vest should be worn to bed
Here, I have decided that if I can't go play outside (because its too dark out) that I would just wear my boots and mittens like I was outside. Oh and to explain the truck, my cousin Cameron gave me one of his monster trucks, THANKS CAM! and now trucks have become my new obsession.
Playing monster trucks with daddy
Daddy are you ready?
So on this morning I woke up and wanted to wear my hat. I grew to love my hats while we were on vacation in Cancun. Oh and we can't forget my new shoes that mommy bought. Why do you have a funny look on your face? I think I am ready to go out and play.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mommy and Me

Mom taking another picture of the two of us. Daddy isn't really into taking pictures or capturing the moments, so many times pictures of me and mommy are ones she takes herself.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Mom and Dad decided to take me to Cancun this year. You may be thinking they are crazy, as this is what I thought too, but I am sure glad they decided to take me along.
We left on the 2nd earliest flight of the morning (7:30 am) and if you ask Mom I don't think we will do that again. She thought since I would have to wake up at 3:45 am I would be tired and sleep on the way to the airport and then zonk out on the plane, oh was she wrong!
I woke up a little disoriented but once I got dressed I was ready to go! I wasn't quite sure what was going on though. I kept telling her that I needed to put on my jacket and hat, but she insisted that I wouldn't need them. I really didn't understand.
Mom and me on my first plane ride. I did pretty well. I threw a fit before we took off and mom thought we would be one of those families asked to leave the plane but a really nice lady sitting in front of me started making funny faces and talking to me and then I forgot why I was mad.
Once we got to our hotel, we were ready for the pool. I didn't really know what to think at first, but then I started to warm up to the whole idea. Shortly after this picture, I decided to venture out a little and began walking in the kiddie pool. I did not realize that the ground is a little different and maybe a little slippery, until I went down head first. I didn't like it too much and that was enough pool for me on my first day in sunny Cancun!
As you can see waking up at 3:45 am finally got to me. Oh, how I love my teddy grahams!
Day 2 and in my boat. I loved this thing, it was a lot of fun!
This is the view from our room


During our week long stay I became very good friends with Auntie Carrie and Uncle Scott. I wanted them to go everywhere I went and if they weren't with I asked about them all the time!
Papa Don and I taking a cat nap by the pool
Grandma reading me my ABC book, she gave this one to me and I LOVE it!
Walking on the beach with Grandpa D. I love being on the beach with him!
Grandma D giving me my very first swimming lesson!


Family Picture, but I wasn't cooperating.

While in Cancun, Grandma taught me how to shell. This became one of my favorite pastimes.
Family Picture on the Beach


Who would of thought that Sesame Street would following me to Cancun? I went shopping with Mom and Dad and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Cookie Monster, yum,yum,yum. I was so excited!!

That's me with my favorite Cookie Monster
I decided to take a little time out from shopping to talk to Kermit.
Oh, Bert...I love you, can I take you home? I asked mom if we could bring Bert home with us...she hesitated and then assured me I would see Bert again when we got back home to Minnesota, and she was right!


Check out my shades! I wore these everywhere. When mom bought these for me Dad was not too happy. He said, "what a waste of money," but I proved him wrong. I wore them everyday in Cancun! Great buy Mom! Diva of the pool!
Me and Mom with our shades


Out to eat with Mommy, she is so good about coordinating our outfits!

Blowing bubbles with Daddy

Our Family taking in the beautiful view

Monday, March 10, 2008


We just got home from Cancun and as you can see I wasn't ready to be back in the snow. I found my summer hat and insisted I wear it. Then when I started drinking some water out of the bottle by myself, mom freaked and grabbed the camera to take some pictures.
Me taking a drink from Mom's water bottle all by myself!

Again, taking a drink but this time I was able to pose for the camera.